Not worth it
Never waste your time on someone that does'nt disurve it
Because your time is'nt worth it
Afraid Of You...

I´m afraid of love
Afraid of It's happiness, and of its existence
But most of all of the pain that comes with it
Love is a beutiful thing, in a very dangerous way
It can give you the world
but in a second take everything away
But thats a risk you have to take
That´s something your heart must be prepared of
It has to know before you bett your life on it
They allways say "Litsen to your heart"
But they never remind you that the heart is a gene
It has a life-beat but not a brain
Its something that could feel, but never think
something that could make problems, but never solve
I´m afraid of love
Afraid of It's happiness, and of its existence
But most of all I´m afraid of
the broken hearted pain that i've been trough
And never want to get back to
ever again...
Afraid of It's happiness, and of its existence
But most of all of the pain that comes with it
Love is a beutiful thing, in a very dangerous way
It can give you the world
but in a second take everything away
But thats a risk you have to take
That´s something your heart must be prepared of
It has to know before you bett your life on it
They allways say "Litsen to your heart"
But they never remind you that the heart is a gene
It has a life-beat but not a brain
Its something that could feel, but never think
something that could make problems, but never solve
I´m afraid of love
Afraid of It's happiness, and of its existence
But most of all I´m afraid of
the broken hearted pain that i've been trough
And never want to get back to
ever again...
sviken oavsett vad!
Oavsett hur mycket man änn gör för sina kompisar och
hur mycket man änn fösöker öppna sitt hjärta till kärlek
Så blir man ALLTID knivhuggen i hjärtat!!
hur mycket man änn fösöker öppna sitt hjärta till kärlek
Så blir man ALLTID knivhuggen i hjärtat!!
Irakisk/Eid fest med familjen
Den 28 november så var jag för första gången på en irakisk fest med familjen där en tjej som heter shatha hasoun uppträdde.
Vi var där för att min pappa skulle vara "programledare" för festen och skulle göra ett reportage om det till en irakisk kanal som heter al-bagdadya.
Det var jättekul och se han snacka, och det är riktigt sjukt hur ens röst kan ändras när man snackar i mikrofon.
Jag ska försöka lägga ut bilder på det när jag hittar dom, och kanske lägga in reportaget också om jag får den heheh XP
ha det bra så länge pusshaaj! =)